new video loaded: Defense Calls Retired Paramedic to the Stand in the Derek Chauvin Trial



Defense Calls Retired Paramedic to the Stand in the Derek Chauvin Trial

Michelle Moseng, a retired paramedic, testified about George Floyd’s condition after a 2019 arrest, saying Mr. Floyd told her he had been taking some form of opioid. Her testimony was limited to the physical effects of opioids on Mr. Floyd.

“Were you able to learn that Mr. Floyd had consumed some narcotics that day?” “Yes.” “What did he tell you specifically about what narcotics he had taken and when he had taken them?” “I don’t remember if it was oxy or Percocet, but it was opioid-based. It wasn’t real consistent with his behavior at that point. He was real elevated and agitated.” “So he told you that he had been taking those pills throughout the day, right?” “Yes and I asked him why, and he said it was because he was addicted.” “He was not in respiratory distress, correct?” “No.” “His blood oxygen level was normal, right?” “Correct.” “His pulse was normal, correct?” “Yes.” “His heart rhythm was regular or normal, right?” “Correct. “His E.K.G. was normal?” “Correct.” “He had a normal rhythm — the sinus rhythm, which is the rhythm of a normal, healthy heart, correct?” “Correct.” “And you indicated that you had been worried about high blood pressure for the possibility of a stroke, right?” “Among other things, yes.” “But he didn’t have a stroke, right?” “Didn’t have any indications that we were picking up at the time.” “He didn’t have a stroke while you were with him?” “No.” “He was never given Narcan, correct?” “Correct.” “He didn’t stop breathing?” “No.” “His heart didn’t stop?” “No.” “He didn’t go into cardiac arrest?” “No.” “He didn’t go into a coma?” “No.” “And you took him to the hospital, correct?” “Correct.” “And he was monitored for two hours and released right after, right?” “I don’t know.”

Chauvin Trial and Floyd Protests


Defense Calls Retired Paramedic to the Stand in the Derek Chauvin Trial

By Reuters April 13, 2021

Michelle Moseng, a retired paramedic, testified about George Floyd’s condition after a 2019 arrest, saying Mr. Floyd told her he had been taking some form of opioid. Her testimony was limited to the physical effects of opioids on Mr. Floyd.


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